Hotel AX
Taide- ja kulttuurihotelli AX:n rakentaminen aloitettiin vuonna 2019 ja vuonna 2022 ensimmäiset vieraat toivotettiin tervetulleiksi Suomen ensimmäiseen elämykselliseen taidehotelliin, jota tuolloin operoi Primehotels. Tämä uniikki hotelli kehitettiin yhteistyössä tunnetuimpien suomalaisten nykytaiteilijoiden kanssa, luoden ympäristön, jonka tavoitteena on olla portti Helsingin taidemaailmaan. Hotelli on ollut sen ensimmäisestä päivästä lähtien tervetullut ja arvostettu lisä Suomen hotellitarjontaan sekä tärkeä osa uuden ja vilkkaan Jätkäsaaren kaupunginosan luomista.

Kämp Collection Hotels is now Strawberry
As of Monday 22nd of May 2023, Kämp Collection Hotels and Clarion Hotels will be owned by Strawberry as Nordic Choice Hotels changes its name.

Helsinki has never been hotter – Hotel Kämp is being renovated and the city is getting its first Hobo Hotel
The hotel market in Helsinki is being shaken up. Along the Pohjoisesplanadi, the iconic jewel Hotel Kämp is being renovated. At the same time, the punky, hotel concept Hobo Hotel is coming to the Finnish capital, opening up in the old hotel GLO Kluuvi next door.

Kämp Collection Hotels as an ambassador for holistic wellbeing
Kämp Collection Hotels was honoured to be one of the partners of Nordic Business Forum 2022, one of Europe's most important business events. At the event we offered the guests a break and a chance to recharge their mind and body with a massage and a refreshing drink. The main message of the event was clear: sustainable management includes looking after the wellbeing of both yourself and your employees.

Kämp Collection Hotels is honoured to be one the partners of Europe's leading business event Nordic Business Forum in 2022
Kämp Collection Hotels is honoured to be one the partners of Europe's leading business event Nordic Business Forum in 2022. You will find us at the fair, but our hotels also offer the opportunity to watch the presentations via livestreaming.

Bleisure combines business and leisure travel sustainably
Bleisure combines the best of business travel with leisure and offers an opportunity to get to know the destination better. It is better for the environment too, as a Bleisure traveller travels sustainably on a single trip for more experiences.

Travelling to Finland — Updated entry guidelines
As of 1st of February 2022 Finland has opened for travel from the EU and Schengen countries. Travel from outside of the EU and Schengen area remains restricted.

Kämp Collection Hotels restaurants and bars require an EU Corona Certificate

Welcome to Finland! Updated entry guidelines
We miss you and can't wait to see you again in our hotels here in the Heart of Helsinki. Finland has eased up its travel policies as of 26 July 2021. Travel to Finland is now possible for all travelers who meet certain health requirements.

Nordic Choice Hotels esittelee ensimmäisenä omien asiakkaidensa avulla toteutettavan Safe Stay-turvallisuussertifikaatin
Nordic Choice Hotels on sitoutunut yhdessä Chosen-ohjelmaan valittujen asiakkaidensa kanssa raportoimaan Covid-19 tartuntojen torjuntatoimenpiteistä hotelleissaan kaikkialla Pohjoismaissa. Arvioinnit tullaan julkaisemaan Nordic Choicen kotisivuilla säännöllisesti.

Nordic Choice uskoo ennätyskesään julkaisemalla kesätarjouksensa
Satoja Pohjoismaiden hotellihelmiä vaihtoehtoina niiden lomaa suunnitteleville asukkaille. Tarjontaa kaupungin luksushotelleista luonnonläheisiin perhekohteisiin.

Petter A. Stordalen - Vihdoinkin maanantai
Omistajamme, Pohjolan menestyneimpiin liike-elämän vaikuttajiin kuuluva Petter Stordalen, kirjoitti kirjan elämänopeistaan. Kymmenen oppia auttavat menestymään, mutta myös selviytymään elämän kriiseistä ja aikamme epävarmuudesta. Kirja kantaa nimeä Vihdoinkin maanantai ja se julkaistaan tällä viikolla.
You Are Here Art Card offers cultural treats at Museums for customers of Kämp Collection Hotels
Take a break from routine and refresh yourself with art!
Kämp Collection Hotels has teamed up with museums in the Greater Helsinki area to give its customers unique experiences of culture and art.

Kämp Collection Hotels to adapt its operations to the coronavirus situation – Hotel Kämp and GLO Hotel Kluuvi will remain open
Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, Kämp Collection Hotels will also adapt its operations. Eight out of ten Kämp Collection Hotels will temporarily close their doors by Wednesday, 1 April 2020. Hotel Kämp, the most iconic hotel in Finland, and the neighboring GLO Hotel Kluuvi will remain open.

Information regarding safety at our hotels
The safety of our guests and staff is our top priority at all times. In order to minimize the risk of spreading the new corona virus (COVID-19), Nordic Choice Hospitality Group including Kämp Collection Hotels has started taking actions to maintain safe environments for all those spending time in our premises.
We have summarized below the actions we have taken and cancellation policies due to special circumstances caused by corona virus.

Lahjakorttimyymälä valloittaa elämyslahjoilla
Joulukuun 7.päivä Helsingin Kämp Galleria -ostoskeskukseen avautuvat ovet talven ihmemaahan. Lahjakorttien pop-up -myymälästä hankit mieluisat elämykset kirjekuoreen kuusen alle.

The acquisition of Kämp Collection Hotels is now finalized - “I want to add 2000 hotel rooms to the supply in Helsinki.”
The competition authority has approved Nordic Choice Hotels acquisition of Kämp Collection Hotels. The acquisition of Kämp Collection Hotels, which was previously owned by CapMan Buyout funds and other owners, was finalized on October 9th. The new owner aims at significantly increasing the hotel supply in Helsinki.

St. George awarded Hotel of the Year
The third annual Finnish Travel Gala was held at Scandic Marina Congress Center, Helsinki, on Friday 4 October. Finnish Travel Gala, which celebrates the year’s best travel industry achievements and phenomena, is organised by the Association of Finnish Travel Agents (SMAL / AFTA).

Nordic Choice Hospitality Group acquires Kämp Collection Hotels – “The quality of operations will keep rising even higher”
Nordic Choice Hospitality Group has acquired Kämp Collection Hotels, the leading luxury and lifestyle hotel group in Finland, from CapMan Buyout funds and other owners. The most famous hotel in the group internationally is the legendary Hotel Kämp, established in 1887. Nordic Choice Hospitality Group is one of the leading hotel companies in the Nordic countries, known in Finland for its’ Clarion Hotels and the Nordic Hotels & Resorts portfolio consisting of independent hotel brands.

GLO Hotel Sello is fully-renewed
GLO Hotel Sello strengthens its position as one of Espoo’s most popular hotels when the hotel floors and rooms unveiled its brand-new look. Also, the restaurant and meeting world will continue to serve the diverse needs of the hotel guests better with a fully-renewed look.

Hotel Kämp is the most prestigious hotel in Helsinki – and with 130 years of history it has great stories to tell
Helsinki has become one of the trendiest and coolest travel destinations in Europe. Finland’s capital has it all: restaurants, shops, museums, concerts, and of course beautiful design and architecture everywhere you go. For the luxury lovers, the place to stay while visiting the town is the timeless and elegant Hotel Kämp. It has been the landmark of Helsinki from the day it was established in year 1887.

The story of Kippis
The Finnish version of the toast “cheers” (or “nazdorovie”) is “kippis”. The are various legends on the origins of the word. Here is one of them.

Hotel Fabian chosen as the best hotel in Finland in 2018
Travelers have chosen Hotel Fabian, located in the Helsinki city centre, as the best hotel in Finland already for the third time.